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Biogen CEO rehashes old ALS clinical trial: “It was the single-most negative trial I’ve ever seen.”

Biogen‘s made headlines of late for committing $2.5 billion on a Alzheimer’s drug development gamble – and, notably, preparing for a return to the ALS market. Making such broad commitments can stir a lot of hope up among a desperate patient base – something CEO George Scangos has learned a lesson or two about by now. Two years ago, Biogen famously halted Phase 3 […]

Could algae blooms cause Lou Gehrig’s Disease?

Researchers are now linking some ALS incidence with folks who live near large bodies of water, a new piece in Scientific American points out. It writes: About five years ago, doctors at a New Hampshire hospital noticed a pattern in their ALS patients—many of them, like Gilmore, lived near water. Since then, researchers at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center […]